How to Change Self-Concept: Reinventing Yourself

Do you want to release from a negative self-image and find peace? Do you want to overcome the limitations you’ve set for yourself? If so, this article offers actionable insights and guidance on how to change self-concept.

Self-concept is the term used to describe how you view yourself. It combines your attitudes, beliefs, and values towards you.

Self-concept is an evolving entity that can be transformed.

By asking thought-provoking questions, identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, and embracing your unique qualities and accomplishments, you can begin the transformation process. Surrounding yourself with positive influences, practicing self-care, and seeking inspiration are essential to building a healthier self-concept.

Key Insights

  • Self-concept is not fixed; it evolves with intentional effort.
  • Identifying self-image, self-esteem, and the ideal self is important for starting a shift.
  • Introspection, challenging limiting beliefs, and positive self-talk are practical steps for self-concept makeover.
  • Education, media, appearance, culture, relationships, and income significantly affect one’s self-concept.
  • The journey towards positivity extends beyond self-improvement, fostering confidence, happiness, and success.

Defining self-concept

In psychology, self-concept refers to how we see ourselves. According to humanist psychologist Carl Rogers, one’s self-concept consists of three aspects:

Self-image: Self-image is about how you see yourself right now. Your self-image is framed by physical appearance, behavior, and social roles. 

Self-esteem: Self-esteem is determined by the level of self-liking, acceptance, and self-worth.

Several factors can influence your self-esteem, such as how you view yourself compared to others, how others perceive you, and how society views you. 

Ideal self: The ideal self is someone with the qualities or attributes you aspire to have. This person has the qualities you desire. Your ideal self is the person you intend yourself to be.

Our self-concept serves as a lens through which we interpret ourselves and our environment.

Self-concept can be positioned anywhere between positive and negative. It may also be complicated and have multiple dimensions. Your identity is built on a foundation influenced by various forces, including interactions with people. 

Self-concept is more than just a mere understanding of who we are; it is a dynamic force that designs our identity and controls every facet of our lives.

Analyzing our self-concept can provide insights into the patterns and behaviors hindering or empowering us.

Self-perception directly carves our attitudes, motivations, relationships and actions. It also affects our feelings of competence and self-worth.

It is a significant component of personal growth and self-development.

How to change self-concept?

how to change self-concept

If you’re wondering how to change your self-concept, it’s important to note that it’s not fixed and can be altered with effort and intention. Here are some suggestions on how you can transform your self-perception;

Ask Yourself Thought-Provoking Questions

Consider introspective questions to think deeply and guide your self-reflection. Some examples include:

  • What are your core values and beliefs?
  • What are your strengths and vulnerabilities?
  • What qualities do you admire in yourself?
  • What do you want to improve?
  • What makes you happy and content?
  • What are your goals and aspirations?
  •  How do you approach challenges and setbacks?

Identify your current self-concept:

Take a moment to think about how you see yourself at present. Are there any limiting beliefs or adverse self-talk that impedes your progress? Identify these patterns to break free and develop a healthier mindset.

Experiences, beliefs, and external factors may influence your current self-concept.

One typical negative self-concept pattern is comparison. Constant comparison to others can cause feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

Appreciate your unique qualities and accomplishments instead of comparing yourself to others. Recognizing this pattern requires being thankful for what we have, acknowledging our strengths, and accepting that everyone has different journeys.

Another negative pattern is perfectionism. Setting high standards can lead to disappointment and failure. Mistakes are an inevitable feature of evolution and are more important than aiming for perfection. We can have a more positive view of ourselves if we consider imperfections as chances to learn and grow.

Note down your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions towards yourself and assess them objectively. Writing can uncover insights and revelations that may have been overlooked.

Through writing, you can freely express your thoughts and feelings and gain clarity. You can journal about specific events, objectives, or your day.

Challenging and Replacing Negative Beliefs

Once you have identified negative beliefs about yourself, it’s time to challenge and replace them.

Holding on to limiting beliefs can restrict us from tapping into our true potential.

Examining signs and finding new perspectives can help replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

The first step in changing our self-concept is realizing our negative beliefs. Often, these notions are firmly established and might have been gained during childhood or from experiences.

We can question these beliefs by finding evidence that contradicts them. Ask yourself why you hold these values and whether they are founded on reality or assumptions.

For example, if you need to improve at your job, record all your accomplishments and experiences that prove otherwise.

It’s important to choose new convictions that empower us and are in line with our desired self-image. Regularly repeating positive statements about oneself can rewire the brain and reinforce new belief systems. Positive affirmations emphasize your strengths and achievements.

Supportive people who believe in you can test old negative thoughts and consciously substitute negative patterns with positive reviews.

Replacing negative beliefs helps us create space for growth and new possibilities. We can escape self-imposed limitations, enhance self-esteem, and cultivate a brighter perspective on life.

Building a Positive Self-Concept

building a positive self-concept

Understanding how to change your self-concept is crucial for building a healthy mindset. Here are some suggestions if you want to change your self-concept:

1. Choose your company wisely:

Your environment plays a significant role in modifying your self-concept. Being around cheerful souls can guide your mindset and outlook on life. Being with like-minded individuals can provide motivation.

Individuals who uplift you radiate energy and promote personal growth.

Pursue role models with the qualities and traits you admire, as they can pep you up to develop a more upbeat version of yourself.

 2. Limit exposure to negativity:

The digital age makes getting stuck in negative news, social media, and toxic relationships easy. Define limits and be aware of what you expose yourself to. Protect your peace by unfollowing or muting accounts that make you upset and stay away from gossip and negativity.

 3. Engage in self-care activities:

Your physical, mental, and emotional health are important to maintain a cheerful outlook. Incorporate self-care into your routine without compromise.

Ensure consistent physical activity, eat balanced meals and prioritize adequate sleep. Body and mind health are closely linked. Taking care of your body can lessen stress, enhance mood, and bolster overall resilience.

Participate in activities that elicit pleasure and relaxation, like exercising, meditating, doing hobbies, or spending time in nature. Schedule time for these activities and give them priority.

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you extend to your friends. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion.

When you care for yourself, you can show up fully and be there for others.

 4. Practice positive self-talk:

Another powerful exercise is practicing daily affirmations. Repeating affirmations like “I am worthy” and “I am capable” can retrain your mind to believe in them. This can slowly augment your confidence and self-image.

The way we talk to ourselves can make or break our self-esteem. Swap self-criticism for self-encouragement and positive affirmations.

Avoid relating yourself to others because everyone has a special mix of talents and shortcomings.

Realize your success, even the small ones, and keep in mind your potential and skills.

 5. Seek inspiration and motivation:

Fill your life with a passion that drives you forward. Choose to uplift and empower books, podcasts, or videos. Consume positive and motivational content that aligns with your goals and values.

6. Spread positivity:

One of the top ways to instill optimism is to impart it to others. Treat others with kindness and understanding. Extend a hand, listen actively, or spread cheer with a smile. Service can create a ripple effect, brightening the world around you while making others feel good.

Remember that developing a self concept is a process that requires time and dedication rather than an instant solution. Continuously align your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and values with your ideal self.

It is essential to seek help from professionals or dependable people, if necessary.

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Expanding your Comfort Zone

expanding your comfort zone

Exploring new experiences and opportunities brings more benefits than staying within familiar boundaries.

We push ourselves to confront fears, uncertainties, and doubts when we leave our comfort zones. This process builds resilience and fosters a positive self-concept.

New hurdles and unfamiliar territories unveil hidden prowess we didn’t know we had. We begin to see ourselves as individuals capable of growth and constant evolution.

Feed your mind with positive thoughts and knowledge.

Expanding our comfort zone helps us to look at life differently.

When we limit ourselves to a narrow bubble of familiarity, we forego the diverse range of experiences and viewpoints the world presents.

Stepping outside our comfort zone allows us to encounter various cultures, notions, and ways of thinking. This exposure helps us have a more inclusive view of the world.

Visualize your ideal self:

Imagine yourself as your best self-daily.

Visualizing your ideal self is a powerful technique where you paint a vivid picture of your future self. This journey involves imagining your best self and improving upon it.

Creating a clear image of your ideal self can aid in goal setting, motivation, and personal growth.

Visualization can strengthen positive self-beliefs. This process helps you discover your values and desires and have faith in your potential to become the person you want to be.

Imagine yourself confident, booming, and living a fulfilling life.

The compass of visualization steers your actions towards turning your vision into reality.

Consistency is key

Keep your affirmations, visualizations, and actions consistent. Incorporate these techniques into your daily routine. Your subconscious mind will absorb your new self-concept. Altering your self-concept demands time and effort.

Seek professional help

In case you struggle to change your self-perception independently, don’t hesitate to ask for expert guidance. A therapist or counsellor can offer help and direction as you proceed on this excellent path.

Factors that influencing our self-concept

Many factors can influence our self-concept. Some of these factors include:

  • Education: Education can shape our self-concept by providing us with new knowledge and skills that we can use to define ourselves.
  • Media: Images and messages in the media can affect how we view ourselves regarding what is attractive, successful, or desirable.
  • Appearance: Our physical appearance can also play a role in developing our self-concept. Individuals satisfied with their appearance may exhibit higher self-esteem and a more favorable self-concept.
  • Culture: Culture can also affect our self-concept. Cultural values and principles, such as individualism and collectivism, can condition how we perceive ourselves.
  • Abuse: Abuse can have a profound impact on our self-concept. People who have suffered from abuse may struggle with feelings of worthlessness, shame, and low self-esteem.
  • Relationships: Our relationships with others decide our self-concept. Positive relationships can enhance our self-esteem, while negative ones can lower it.
  • Gender: Gender is also another reason. Men and women may experience varying societal expectations that influence their self-perception.
  • Income: Income can also mold one’s self-concept. Higher earners may harbor a stronger sense of success and confidence than individuals with lower incomes.


Your self-concept is not set in stone; by implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and seeking support as required, you can set out to become the best version of yourself.

Learning how to change self-concept isn’t limited to self-improvement by any means.

You can start creating a more positive and realistic perspective of yourself.

A journey towards greater confidence, happiness, and success in life can be achieved.


Can we change self concept?

Absolutely. With the proper strategies and perseverance, anyone can change their negative self-concept into a positive one. It may take some time and effort, but it can be achieved.

How long does it take to change your self-concept?

The time to change your self-concept varies from person to person. It depends on the depth of existing beliefs and your commitment to the transformation. The process is continuous and may take a few months to see notable changes.

How to change self-concept adopting law of assumption?

To transform self-concept, acknowledge, and overcome limiting beliefs, define your ideal self’s qualities. Challenge obstructive beliefs hindering personal growth by using positive affirmations and visualizations. Embrace the envisioned self by aligning actions with its attributes and seeking positive influences. Cultivate consistency, celebrate achievements, and nurture belief in your new found self-concept.

Self-concept examples?

Self-concept examples are basically the various thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves. They cover a lot of different aspects.

Can you have multiple self-concepts?

Yes, absolutely! We can have multiple self-concepts, such as “self-facets” or “self-aspects”. These different versions show up in different contexts. They help us be flexible and adjust to different situations.

What are three ways self-concept is formed?

Self-concept is formed by personal experiences, social feedback, and internal comparisons. Our achievements and interactions build our “real self,” feedback from others shapes our “ideal self” and self-esteem, and constant comparisons influence our perceptions.

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